Region of Iron Mountains

Organizational structure

Organizational structure of decision-making scheme

The decision-making structure is based on the conditions of the “Program rozvoje venkova” (tran. Rural Development Programme) 2007 – 2013, IV. Leader axis.

Division of the responsibility of the bodies

General Meeting

General meeting elects the board of directors – Program Committee, assigns processing of the intention of the program and evaluation criteria, authorizes the Strategy, purpose of the LAG and selects the projects. General meeting is held at regular intervals due to the Statues. Is also a body for preparation of “SPL” (tran. Strategic Plan Leader) and controls its implementation.

Board of directors – Program Committee

Processes the intention and selection criteria for the Selection Committee, consults selection of the projects, authorizes list of the projects chosen by the Selection Committee and announces calls for individual project.

Selection Committee

Separates the projects, makes the selection and evaluation, presents the selection of projects for authorisation to Program Committee, the list of selected projects presents to General Meeting, compiles list of projects according to their score, marks projects suggested for the authorisation within the limit and marks also the spare projects.

Inspectional Committee

Controls economic activities of the association and all the administrative processes held by LAG.

Commission of tourism – editorial board

Makes and coordinates information materials and detailed booklets of LAG and creates the image of LAG in media. The Commission has been chosen from experts on tourism, promotion and publicity.


Acts on behalf of statutory bodies, prepares the application forms of LAG and helps when deciding about the intention and selection of the projects. Manager holds the meetings of the partners, makes particular projects and manages their implementation. Prepares new plans and monitors their activity.


Carries out legislative acts which are necessary for LAG process, keeps records of the projects and their implementation, records about controls and also about gaining the grants and funding from proper resources.
LAG (Local Action Group) Region of Iron Mountains